Q & A with Kara Evans, our esteemed instructor!

Kara-PhotoThis summer’s Bridge meetings will be led by Kara Evans, veteran teacher and lover of books. We think she’s pretty awesome and can’t wait for our students to meet her.

Want to know more? Here’s a sneak peek.

Favorite book as a young child?

My favorites as a young child were always H.A.Rey’s Curious George books. My grandma got me my first on for Christmas when I was 3, and I was hooked.

Favorite YA book?

As much as I love YA novels across the board, the Harry Potter series will always hold a special place in my heart.

When you were little, what did you want to be?

Believe it or not, a teacher. Both of my maternal grandparents were, along with an aunt, and I felt pulled towards that as young as 7. Of course my ideas changed many times as I grew up, but I ended back at my original plan.

Favorite superhero?  

This is a tough question for me, seeing how much I love my superheroes. It probably has to be Kitty Pryde from the X-Men. Her powers of phasing are used in creative ways, and she has a good heart.

Favorite movie?

The Princess Bride

Favorite food?

Tomatoes and potatoes in practically any form. I love versatile foods.

Perfect day?

Pretty much any day where I don’t feel bound by a schedule and my daughter and I don’t butt heads. Oh, and I don’t have to do dishes or laundry!

If you could call into being a single mythical beast, what would it be, and why?

It would have to be a phoenix, if for no other reason than the rarity and beauty. But selfishly, having a feather or a tear could also come in handy some day.

If you could run away, where would you go?

I love to travel, and there are so many places I haven’t yet been, so this is difficult. I would definitely head toward Europe. I’m not sure if I could be more specific or not. England, Ireland, Scandinavia, Spain, Germany…

If you were stuck on a desert island and could bring one person with you, who’d it be?

I should probably say my husband, right? 😉

Embarrassing moment (that you’ll share with us)?

I tripped UP the stairs in the middle of our high school common area during an incredibly busy class change. My books and papers when flying out of my arms, and everyone just laughed and stepped over me.

Favorite subject in school?


Favorite ice cream flavor?

Pretty much all of them as long as there are no strawberries!

Crayons or markers?

I have to be difficult here, and go with colored pencils.

If you could pick a life motto, what would it be?

At the current stage in my life, it would probably be, “You get what you get, and you don’t pitch a fit.”

What’s one detail about yourself that might surprise some people?

I like to pursue many passions. Briefly. I don’t stick with most hobbies easily. I complete a project successfully, and then I’m ready to move on. This means I have a large hoard of craft and hobby supplies in my garage.